Travel to Georgia: planning a trip budget
Updated on January 2, 2020
Planning a travel budget – this is without a doubt one of the most common questions all travelers wonder about when preparing for a trip. Georgia tour price is based on a number of aspects. We briefly explain how we calculate our tour costs on the Frequently asked questions page. But here we would like to expand the issue by speaking about planning a travel budget in general – what should be considered, what type of expenses should be taken into account, etc.
So, you made a decision of choosing Georgia as your next travel destination. You have read all about local sights and probably already have a tour program in mind. But how much will the Georgia trip cost in total? How much money you would need for daily expenses? What currency to bring? Will your credit card be enough or would you need to bring cash too? Spendings while you travel can vary greatly based on your travel style and preferences. So it’s always handy to have a travel budget idea before the trip.
Consider spendings on getting to Georgia
First you need to get to Georgia, and unless you’re located on a few hours driving distance from us, this will probably be a significant part of your trip budget. If you’re coming from whole other continent, this probably means taking a flight. Georgia’s major airports are Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi. Read our flights to Georgia page for more information. You can try different flight options using this handy service for flights search to get an estimate for what this will cost.
Consider spendings on local transportation – covered in our standard tour price
Most probably you will need transportation once you arrive in Georgia. Public transportation is a good option and is available in different forms (i.e. buses, minibuses or so-called marshrutkas, etc.) and it provides you with a more travel-like-a-local experience. If you have more than one city on your travel plans consider your options for getting from one place to the next. We provide easy local train ticket reservation service, or you can use our transfer services. Bus and train prices are easily found online. Consider them when planning your Georgia travel budget.
Taxi in Georgia
– is highly popular mean of transportation. As of October 2019 all licensed taxis in Tbilisi are of white color with taxi signs on top. Green sign means that taxi is available, while red sign means it’s busy. As a responsible travel company we would recommend to download a mobile taxi application called Bolt. It has an option to choose eco friendly vehicles, as well as pet-friendly. They are available in Tbilisi, Kutaisi and Batumi.
Carsharing in Georgia
– is something that’s been in the country only since 2019. But the service has already become very popular among locals and tourists alike. And it is an additional value for our team, as the AiCar is running on electro vehicles only. Available in Tbilisi and Batumi.
Accommodation costs in Georgia – covered in our standard tour price
Accommodation in Georgia usually also constitutes a big part of tour budget, depending on what type of lodging you prefer. Decide what sort of accommodation you’re most comfortable staying in, whether it’s hotels, hostels or guesthouses, or apartment rentals, find and read reviews and check what are the prices for the city, town or region in Georgia you want to spend a night in. Don’t forget to multiply by the number of nights you’re planning to stay there.
Consider spendings on your meals
Meals spendings are usually the most challenging to estimate. Since it’s harder to get exact numbers for food as they vary greatly depending on the type of cafes, restaurants you prefer, we will just give you an average idea. For travel in Georgia, an average estimate per day per person US$9 (approximately 25 GEL) for lunch, US$18 (approximately 50 GEL) for dinner, and a few more dollars for extras like a bottle of water or soda during the day. These of course do not include alcohol. Another point to keep in mind is that you can eat for less if you don’t eat at expensive posh looking central location places.
Consider spendings on local attractions – covered in our standard tour price
It is always good to have some cash in local currency (GEL – Georgian Lari) to cover entrance fees for museums, parks, historical and other attractions. These typically range between 3 GEL and 25 GEL, depending on location. Do you plan on doing something more expensive like river rafting or a hot air balloon ride, or Georgian traditional wine tasting? Add up these travel costs too, and make sure you know what is and is not included.
Money use in Georgia
Most major international currencies like US Dollars, EUROs or UK Pounds are easily exchangeable in Georgia, in all major cities. There are a number of exchange agents that provide you with the best possible rates, like Rico or IntelExpress. You can do both – bring cash with yourself, or withdraw money here from local Bank ATM’s (always consider your Banks withdrawal commission abroad). Major credit cards (VISA or MasterCard) are usually accepted in hotels, restaurants, major attractions, etc.
Tipping in Georgia
Like in many other countries tips are well received and appreciated in Georgia too. You should consider something in between of 5% and 10% of the total amount in restaurants or cafes. Common sense and your best judgments are a great assistants to decide on how much to tip in hotels, to your guide and driver (if their standard fee is included in the tour cost).
Drafting a realistic travel budget is an important part of planning your tour to Georgia. It will give you an idea of where you can cut costs to make the trip less expensive. To give you another hint – by purchasing our tours you will free yourself from taking into account most of your ground spendings.
Read our Georgia travel tips page for more information about what to know before traveling to Georgia.