Your gift is definitely going to be something special! Tbilisi tours in a form of interesting quest is not something everybody familiar with. So your gift surely will become a true surprise for the person you’re going to send it to!
You can send this gift certificate to anyone who is interested in Tbilisi, walking around, learning new things, playing games, or simply spending time doing something fun and exciting! Plus, this is an ideal option for a family quality time!
This is a self-guided activity, so your lucky gift receiver won’t have to wait for a guide or anyone else to join. Start at any time, walk at own pace, make detours, stop for a coffee, etc.
Presenting with the Gift Certificate is sure socially distant activity – you can just send it over the email or messenger. You don’t need to come and visit us to purchase it – everything is done online. Additionally, no indoor activities are planned during the Quest tour – all locations are observed from outside 🙂